Sunday, 6 October 2013

#3 - "My Pedagogical Creed"

I believe that a great education is perhaps the most critical factor in determining future success and successful individuals are the key to a successful society. I believe, by inspiring my students to greatness they will achieve great results. I pledge to give my best to each of my students, to work together with my fellow teachers, to have a good relationship with their families and to be a positive role model to my students and the society. I will embrace my responsibility to support my students and engage them in a positive environment. As John Dewey believed that a teacher is engaged, not simply in the training of individuals, but in the formation of the proper social life, I too believe that as a teacher I should take that responsibility of molding and shaping their social life. I promise to bring positivity to a negative situation and optimism for pessimism. I will teach my students to desire the right things as Plato quoted, "Education is teaching our children to desire the right things." I will always find a way to make a difference; never giving up, with faith, vision and hope.

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